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How we teach our nanny training courses?

Our experience comes through in the methodology we use to teach the nannies. Our trainers are either qualified teachers or first aid instructors. We take into account that the nannies are second languages learners so our content material is taught in a practical manner encouraging group participation whilst being fun and interactive. The nannies leave our course feeling empowered in their new knowledge. It is amazing to see their learning positively affect their role at work and in their own community.

What we teach in our nanny training:

1. Nanny training includes: Routines, Time Management And Child Safety

  • The importance of their role as a nanny
  • Communication with the parents
  • Understanding and following a routine
  • How to manage childcare and housework
  • Safety awareness – identifying hazards and creating a childproof home
  • Understanding and preventing infectious diseases like HIV & TB.

We teach the nannies how to effectively manage their time between childcare and domestic work. They learn how to manage and prioritize their responsibilities as well understand how important it is to communicate to the parent. We inform the nannies about the potential hazards in and outside the home. We believe prevention is better than cure so we want the nannies to understand how important it is to childproof the home. We end the session discussing HIV and TB and the impact it can have on children in the private home and their own communities.

2. Nanny training includes: First Aid & CPR Course

(endorsed by the American Heart Association and Resuscitation Council of SA)

  • Identifying Emergency Numbers and an emergency plan
  • CPR for babies and young children
  • Choking on babies and young children
  • Essential First Aid for all home emergencies

In an intensive three hours session, our First Aid trainer covers all the paediatric essentials of First Aid, including CPR and Mouth to Mouth. The nannies are required to practice repeatedly on mannequins in order to perfect the CPR technique for babies and children. The nannies are also taught how to deal with all home emergencies like choking, burns, stings, poisoning, drowning etc. and what numbers to dial for emergency help.

3. Nanny training includes: Nutrition, Hygiene and Baby Care

  • Understanding what is a healthy, balanced diet
  • Menu ideas for young children
  • Weaning and introducing solids
  • Tips and general information for difficult feeders, allergies etc.
  • Basic baby care regarding crying, bathing, feeding etc.
  • Personal and baby hygiene

In this module, we deal with the importance of nutrition, hygiene and baby care. Nannies are taught the different methods of sterilization, how to wean a young baby onto solid food and what foods to be careful of and why. Nannies are also taught how to deal with fussy eaters and how to plan a child's menu which is both nutritious and child appropriate. We also cover the basics of infant care like burping, bottle feeding, sleeping issues, nappy changing and bathing.

4. Nanny training includes: Stimulation and Play

  • The importance of play
  • Understanding developmental milestones
  • How children learn through play by using their senses and muscles
  • Fun games and ideas inside and outside
  • Music and reading
  • Fun in the kitchen

In our last module we discuss the importance of play with the nannies and why young children need to be stimulated. We review the developmental milestones from an infant to a three year old. We cover ten play station ideas that we recommend in all homes. This includes both indoor and outdoor play covering music, reading, art, play dough, cooking, ball play etc. During this session the nannies are encouraged to play – get involved – and discuss the "why reasoning" behind each game and activity.